Player to Player Trading

Expand Your Opportunities with Trading and Bartering

The final piece in the Paradise Tycoon game economy and monetization is player-to-player trading, an essential part of the game economy and major contributor to the token inflow, while also providing a wealth of opportunities for both fun and earning. By engaging in trading players can exchange resources, crafted items, and more to diversify their collections and grow their in-game wealth.

Advanced Tycoons will build refineries, transforming common resources or crops into rare commodities or consumables that enhance abilities, crucial for competions and events. But space is a luxury, and choices in crafting and building are influenced by the House a Tycoon aligns with, making trading an essential aspect of life in Paradise Tycoon.

Auction House: The Heart of the Player-Driven Economy

The Auction House, located in Port Ohana, serves as the cornerstone of the player-driven economy. Here, players can put up for sale anything they own, either in stacks or as single items. This includes collected resources, crafted items, or things they have bought from other players or NPCs.

When listing an item for sale, players can set a 'buy now' price, at which the auction ends immediately, a minimum sale price, or no limits, in which case the highest bid will win after a specific time has run out. The transaction is completed after the buyer collects the purchased item, or it is canceled if the buyer fails to pick up the item. However, failure to collect an item will result in a red flag, which can eventually lead to being banned from using the Auction House.

The game takes a small transaction fee around 5% from each completed purchase whether non-NFT or NFT, ensuring that the player-driven economy remains sustainable. By participating in the Auction House, players can enjoy a dynamic marketplace that enriches their Paradise Tycoon experience.

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