Blockchain Integration

How Paradise Tycoon Utilizes Blockchain

Digital Ownership: Blockchain technology enables digital ownership of items, lands, NFT crew members, and other in-game assets in Paradise Tycoon.

Interoperability: Achievements in Paradise Tycoon can be shared and exchanged between our games or even games developed by others, creating a comprehensive gaming ecosystem.

Moani as In-Game Currency: Using Moani, a crypto token, as the in-game currency offers benefits such as seamless player-to-player trading and a free economy.

Benefits of Blockchain

1. Revolutionizing Monetization

Embracing blockchain technology enables the introduction of "nano purchases", allowing players to engage in payments as small as a few cents, making gaming more inclusive and accessible for players from all economic backgrounds. By allowing the resale or trade of digital assets, players can recoup some of their investments, making gaming more financially viable, especially for users in Tier 3 countries. This approach creates a more balanced gaming experience tailored to a broader range of spending capacities and ensures that entertainment becomes truly accessible globally.

2. Enabling a Player-Driven Economy & Digital Ownership

Blockchain technology allows us to create an economy with player-to-player trading, transforming in-game assets into real currency and back, a feat not possible for an indie studio without blockchain.

3. Expanding Interoperability

Players can transfer assets and achievements between games, enhancing the gaming experience without overlapping content. In the future, expect to be able to use Paradise Tycoon NFTs in future Empires Not Vampires games, but also in other partnering titles coming up soon!

4. New ways to build IP with NFTs

In most web3 games NFTs only serve as an ID linking to an asset on a game server maintained by the developer. This means that in the event the server is shut down, the NFT loses its value as a game asset.

Paradise Tycoon is taking a different approach, allowing for a higher level of true digital ownership that is beyond the control of the game developers. In Paradise Tycoon, NFT game assets, including attributes and visual elements, are stored on the blockchain (or IPFS) with a license that allows other developers to create utility and interoperability for the NFTs. This model will eventually help us grow our IP across the gaming ecosystem and supports our goal of mass adoption by web2 gamers. There are plenty of developers that today, utilizing web3 technology would love to tap into interoperable IPs but are unable to do so due to old traditional licensing models.

As CoFounder Timo Juuti explains, “Blockchain technology offers immense freedom in game design. We are putting in-game assets into the blockchain as NFTs, with a Creative Commons license for developers to use in their games. It makes them available for anyone and not controlled by us; this is real digital ownership. This creates some exciting future scenarios and new ways to build IPs.“

Wallet Integration

We believe that blockchain's potential should be accessible to all, and it's integral to our approach in Paradise Tycoon. We strive to ensure that integrating the wallet into the gameplay is as seamless as possible, with the intention of not breaking the immersive gaming experience.

  1. Create an account using Social Logins: Shortly after beginning your journey you will be prompted to create an account using any popular social logins to save your game progress and to access features such as crossplatform access.

  2. Player gets a Wallet for Moani & NFTs: Upon account creation, a wallet will be set up automatically. This wallet is where your Moani tokens and NFTs, such as Land and Crew Members, will be stored.

  3. Earn Moani through Tutorial Quests: As you progress through the tutorial quests, you will earn Moani tokens. By the end of these quests, you'll have enough Moani equivalent to the gas fee of a single transaction.

  4. Mint Your NFT Land with Gas Fee: Now it's time to step into the World of Paradise Tycoon! Use the Moani you've earned from the tutorial quests to pay for the gas fee required to mint your NFT Land. This grants you access to the full gameplay features.

  5. Experience Crypto Currency and NFTs: Congratulations! You've now potentially used cryptocurrency for the first time and possess your first NFT in your newly created wallet. Welcome to the World of Paradise Tycoon!

Last updated